MenuRighter Update Finished

A year or so ago I posted about updating MenuRighter, my free add-in for customizing Excel’s right-click menus. It’s done! You can go to the MenuRighter page for a download link and instructions. Or read on for some examples of what MenuRighter can do.

MenuRigher Customization Examples
Below I’ve modified the Row menu, with the default Excel 2016 version on the left and the modified version on the right. Copy, Cut, Paste and a few other buttons were removed and Freeze Panes is added to the top:

MenuRighter sample Row before


Here’s the modified Row menu in use. Note that the button caption changes in context from “Freeze” to “Unfreeze”:

MenuRighter Row modification in action

Modified Cell Menu
Here’s my modified Cell right-click menu. It’s barely recognizable, so let me restate that this is the menu you get when you right-click in a cell. I’ve again deleted the Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear Contents and several other buttons. At the top I’ve added the menu for my personal addin, cleverly named “myBar.” Just one click added the whole structure to the Cell menu:

MenuRighter sample Cell

You can see that I’ve also added a whole bunch of filtering buttons. Two of the built-in ones are pulled up a level from the Cell>Filter menu, like “Filter by Selected Cell’s Value.” There’s also a couple for my own routines, like “Filter by All Selected Values.”

“Autofilter” is there so I can toggle filtering for whatever Table or range I’m in. (If you’re looking for this one, one its locations is Worksheet Menu Bar > Data > Filter > AutoFilter).

Two Other Examples

Here I’ve added a couple of my routines to the Ply menu. That’s the one you get by right-clicking a sheet tab:
MenuRighter sample Ply

And here’s the entire File menu added to the Cell menu. Everything at your fingertips!

Cell with File

Just kidding. I’d never do that.

New MenuRighter Page

Again, here’s the page with the download link and instructions for the new version. Please let me know what you think if you try it.

4 thoughts on “MenuRighter Update Finished

  1. Where the customizations are stored? In the PersonalMacroWorkbook or in the Add-in workbook?

    It is possible to share your customizations with someone else?


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