Filtering Pivot Table Value Fields

In the old days, before I knew better, when I needed to filter a pivot table Value field I’d do it by using by throwing an autofilter from the Data menu on it:

Pivot with Autofilter

It made me feel dirty but I didn’t know any other way to filter pivot table value fields. Clearly pivot tables provided no filter in the Values columns:

Pivot with no filter

And then one day I read this SuperUser answer by mtone and never looked back. If you don’t know how to apply a Value Filter to a non-Value pivot field I recommend reading it right now:

SuperUser Value Filter answer

Good wasn’t it? I started to write a post about this and realized this was the best explanation I’ve seen. I especially like that mtone explains how choosing different fields to apply the filter to will result in different levels of aggregation, and will change your results.

One Value Field Filtering Oddity

I was prompted to write this post after answering Bijan’s question on Stack Overflow. I quickly helped solve his problem but was perplexed because his original issue was that he was applying a value filter to the value field itself. As I said at the beginning, this isn’t possible. Turns out that’s not quite true. After an extended chat he showed me how he did it.

Before you can do this, you first need to use the field as a Row, Column or Report field. Simply dragging it to the Row area of the Show Filter dialog and then to the Values area will do the trick. Once you do so, you can click the down arrow next to the field name in the pivot’s Show Fields dialog:

show fields with dropdown

At that point you can pick the various Value filters.

value field Value Filters

As Bijan discovered though this doesn’t actually do anything. No filtering occurs (and if it did, it wouldn’t be an aggregate filter anyways). And when you drag the field back to a non-value position it, the filter that is, goes away. Weird and bug-like.

2 thoughts on “Filtering Pivot Table Value Fields

  1. Yeah, mtone does a good job of explaining this. The way I put it in the book that I’m forever not finishing is this:

    The Value Filter filters the aggregated results in the Values area, from the perspective of the PivotField who’s dropdown you have clicked on.

    • That sentence is ready for publication! It beats my explanation of “It’s just like SQL’s HAVING clause,” or even “It’s like when you’ve got eight boxes of pizza, but you can only see the ones with more than three slices.” Oh wait that never happens. Anyways, it’s a good sentence.

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